Student Services
An Educator’s Guide to Improving Student Presentation Skills
James Laing
Senior Research Associate
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In today’s academic and professional landscape, mastering presentation skills is crucial for student success. Higher Education (HE) professionals play a vital role in equipping students with the ability to communicate their ideas effectively and confidently. Whilst engaging students in developing these skills can be challenging, it is essential for their growth.

This guide will explore strategies for HE professionals to help students enhance their presentation skills, encouraging effective preparation and impactful delivery. By prioritising impactful and large-scale engagement with these skills, educators can help students achieve academic excellence and prepare for their future careers.

Understanding the Value of Presenting Skills

Presentation skills are invaluable for students, not only enhancing their academic performance but also helping them develop key competencies needed for the professional world:

Expressing Ideas Clearly and Confidently

Presentation skills enable students to communicate their thoughts and research findings effectively. Clear communication is essential for engaging peers and instructors, making ideas accessible and understandable. Moreover, building public speaking skills can boost student confidence, allowing them to present their ideas more self-assuredly.

Enhancing Critical Thinking

Presentations play a crucial role in developing analytical skills. Preparing for a presentation requires students to analyse information, organise their thoughts, and present complex ideas succinctly. This process sharpens their ability to think critically and understand the subject matter more deeply.

Career Readiness

Strong presentation skills are vital beyond university. Employers highly value the ability to convey ideas confidently and persuasively. Whether pitching a project, leading a team meeting, or networking, these skills open doors to numerous professional opportunities and growth. This is why it's essential that students are engaged and energised to learn how to present – ensuring they are well-prepared for the job market.

Supporting Student Presentation Skills

Improving students' presentation skills requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the psychological and practical aspects of presenting. By focusing on these key areas, HE professionals can help students develop the confidence and competencies  needed for effective presentations.

Overcoming Performance Anxiety

Universities can help students feel more confident by providing strategies to manage performance anxiety. Offering workshops that teach relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, can help students calm their nerves before presenting. Encouraging practice in low-stakes environments can also gradually build confidence and reduce anxiety.

Careful Preparation

Preparation is key to a successful presentation. Universities can support students by offering guidance on how to thoroughly prepare for their presentations. This includes helping students narrow their topics, structure their presentations effectively, and tailor their content to their audience.

Continuous Feedback

Hands-on experience and continuous feedback are essential for reinforcing theoretical knowledge and building practical skills. Organising practice sessions where students can present to a group and respond to questions helps them gain real-world experience. Immediate feedback is crucial for identifying strengths and areas for improvement and encouraging ongoing development.

Strategies for Engaging Students at Scale

Students have busy schedules, and it can be challenging to engage them on issues outside of their core studies. Students may also be reluctant to engage out of nerves or anxiety – 61% of students have reported experiencing a fear of public speaking. Thus, innovative strategies are needed to reach and involve a diverse student body.

HE practitioners must leverage various tools and methods to ensure all students have the opportunity to effectively enhance these crucial skills:

Interactive Workshops

Workshops and seminar sessions can be excellent tools for building key skills and boosting confidence engaging large numbers of students. Interactive learning methods, such as mock presentations, can help students practice and refine their skills. Practical exercises also allow students to receive immediate, constructive feedback. This hands-on experience is invaluable for reinforcing theoretical knowledge and building practical skills.

Utilising Digital Platforms

Digital platforms offer a powerful means to engage students widely and efficiently. Leveraging technology for communication, such as interactive courses, social media, and learning management systems, allows HE professionals to reach a large audience quickly. These platforms also facilitate the sharing of resources, making it easier for students to access and engage with the material.

Peer-Led Initiatives

Peer-led initiatives are an effective method for targeted  engagement. Encouraging student ambassadors to lead presentation skill workshops or study groups can create a more supportive learning environment. Rehearsing as a group and receiving feedback ensures a cohesive and polished final presentation. This collaborative approach not only enhances learning but also empowers students to take an active role in their development.


Supporting student presentation skills is vital for their academic and career success, and HE professionals play a crucial role in this development, ensuring students can communicate ideas clearly and confidently. Prioritising these skills within educational programs is essential.

Effective engagement, in turn, is imperative to achieve the desired student skills development. Implementing strategies like workshops, next-generation e-learning, practice sessions, and group support can effectively enhance students' presentation abilities. By focusing on these methods, HE professionals can provide the necessary tools for students to excel.

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